For the last few years they've been entertaining crowds of all ages in the greater Houston area.
Tom's Fun Band consists of Chris on drums, Will on tuba, and Tom on guitar and lead shenanigans. They perform original music written especially for kids (and kids at heart).
They are not only fine musicians but also skilled sillymen.
Tom excels in getting the crowd involved, even small, somewhat reserved crowds like the one he engaged at the grand opening of Friendly Grounds Coffee Shop in Oyster Creek a few weeks ago. First he recruited several lovely princesses and a couple of swarthy pirates to help him sing a song ...
... then he hollered, "Who wants to be in a parade?!!" Lots of enthusiastic takers on that one.
Even a few of the older kids felt inspired to get involved, dancing along Happy Street and signing I Love You.
I think it was mostly because Tom is nearly impossible to resist. I mean, if you're determined not to play along, I suppose you can hold out for awhile but don't fool yourself: you will get sucked into the fun.