Monday, December 21, 2009

Did you hear the news? Angels appeared to shepherds while they were out tending to their flock -- they said that the Savior has been born and the shepherds need to tell everyone all about it! These three shepherds did their best to follow those orders during yesterday morning's church Christmas program ...

... but along the way they had to contend with some shaggy, smelly sheep. You may know that sheep are not the most cooperative of creatures, but did you know that some of them are really great at singing and dancing?

These sheep also happen to be very expressive -- just look at their reactions to the angels suddenly appearing to bring them good news:

A couple of their shepherds just sort of rolled with the flow and let the sheep behave in any manner they liked. The third shepherd, on the other hand, had his hands full trying to direct them and keep them in line.

But they are sheep, after all, and sheep tend to lose focus.

And find ways to entertain themselves.
And then suddenly notice what everyone else is doing and hurry to rejoin the group.

SOME sheep just don't even want to BE sheep. They want to be butterflies, free to fly.

But finally, success, and just in time for the big closing number.

Yep, we're talking shaggy, smelly, silly, stinkin' cute sheep!

Happy Birthday to the Good Shepherd!
I am Your servant,
but I have wandered away like a lost sheep.
Please come after me,
because I have not forgotten Your teachings.
Psalm 119:176 CEV

1 comment:

  1. this was so perfectly written and captured in the pictures. thank you for documenting some of the most fun i've had with those kids.
