Dixie seized the opportunity to cut up with her siblings ...
... cuddle several of her favorite babies ...

... and get up close and personal with her youngest fans. She is simply too adorable for words.

Although not every single family member could be there, we still had quite a crowd when we herded everyone to one side of the room for a big group shot. Next, 10 of Dixie's 15 grandchildren joined her for a photo, then we attempted to corral the great-grandkids as well. Can you tell that a few of them were less than thrilled?

The rowdiest bunch were these overgrown kids. They didn't hesitate (much) when I told them to give Dixie a kiss, but then they nearly fell on the floor laughing at how silly they must have looked. Call me crazy -- I just don't think we moms can ever get enough kisses from our kids, now matter how ridiculous we make them feel. I don't even make moms pay extra for this service I gladly provide!

Dixie, I knew it before but saw visible proof of this fact at your shindig: you are the life of the party, and you've imparted this gift to each of your children and their own kids. Joy, warmth and love flow unhindered from you to everyone blessed to be in your presence. Your influence is rightly and widely felt throughout our community. I'm so honored to know you and call you my friend!
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other,
... and get up close and personal with her youngest fans. She is simply too adorable for words.
Although not every single family member could be there, we still had quite a crowd when we herded everyone to one side of the room for a big group shot. Next, 10 of Dixie's 15 grandchildren joined her for a photo, then we attempted to corral the great-grandkids as well. Can you tell that a few of them were less than thrilled?
The rowdiest bunch were these overgrown kids. They didn't hesitate (much) when I told them to give Dixie a kiss, but then they nearly fell on the floor laughing at how silly they must have looked. Call me crazy -- I just don't think we moms can ever get enough kisses from our kids, now matter how ridiculous we make them feel. I don't even make moms pay extra for this service I gladly provide!
Dixie, I knew it before but saw visible proof of this fact at your shindig: you are the life of the party, and you've imparted this gift to each of your children and their own kids. Joy, warmth and love flow unhindered from you to everyone blessed to be in your presence. Your influence is rightly and widely felt throughout our community. I'm so honored to know you and call you my friend!
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other,
in step with each other.
None of this going off and doing your own thing.
And cultivate thankfulness.
Let the Word of Christ -- the Message -- have the run of the house.
Give it plenty of room in your lives.
Instruct and direct one another using good common sense.
And sing, sing your hearts out to God!
Let every detail in your lives,
words, actions, whatever,
be done in the name of the Master, Jesus,
thanking God the Father every step of the way.
Colossians 3:15-17 MESSAGE
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