Saturday, January 31, 2009

Did you miss me?

I'm sorry to have been missing in action for most of January, but it seems that my old blog was killed when I created my new website (go see it! So here's a brand new blog to go with my brand new site!

Over the next few days I'm going to do my best to get you caught up on what I've been doing. One major event was a trip to LA to visit my parents and my brother, who flew in from Seattle to join the fun. I think this was the first time the four of us had just hung out together for a while. We ended up spending a lot of time in Hollywood because Mom, aka Actor Granny, got called for several commercial auditions. While we were there, we took in some sights, such as a tour of Graumann's Chinese Theater. That's the movie theater famous for handprints and footprints of the stars. Some enterprising characters grabbed us for our own photo opportunities while we were there, and we also spied Kermit the Frog atop Muppet Studios.

My brother Mark, Mr. Man of the World, persuaded us to try Ethiopian food. I'm relieved to report that we survived the experience.

While we were eating, Actor Granny received yet another call for an audition. Driver David paid close attention so he'd be prepared for his chauffeuring duties the next day.

Yep, I did indeed make my family pose for a rare portrait. Unfortunately, in the process of carefully balancing the camera on top of a handy garbage can, I seem to have bumped my focus just a tad. Oh well, this one's still priceless to me:

In fact, even though I was sick the whole time and ended up with two ear infections, I wouldn't have missed this trip for anything. These three folks are the reason why:

Thanks for putting up with my sniffling and whining and coughing and hearing difficulties, dear Shepherds. Even being sick is more fun with you around!

I will place over them one shepherd...
he will tend them and be their shepherd.
You my sheep, the sheep of My pasture,
are people, and I am your God.
Ezekiel 35:23, 31


  1. So glad you are back! I missed having fun, new photos to look at.

    Two things: Does Tyler have a cd? And if so, where can I get one? His music is great! I've actually got your website window open while at work, just so I can listen to it in the background. :)

  2. I can most certainly get you a CD. Hmmmm... that gives me an idea...

    Anyway, there are 5 of his songs there on the site, so if it gets hung up on just one or two, click on the jukebox at the bottom right and move through them all.
