Every year we've tried to do something a little bit different from the year before. Don't let the kids' smiles fool you into thinking they love having their photos taken. Threats and bribes have often been necessary to get just one shot that makes me happy, but it's always been worth the struggle just to capture these two faces. And am I blinded by love, or is it truly obvious what a good big brother Tyler has always been and what a secure little sister Maggie continues to be?
At some point we decided that it was time to get the whole family in on the Christmas card photo action. I'm getting pretty good at setting up the shot with the help of a tripod, then hitting the timer and running to get into place at the last second. That little show is usually the cause of everyone's smiles. Now I get to wrestle everyone into cooperating with my vision AND get an aerobic workout at the same time!

Here's our latest creation, accomplished in record time and only 9 tries:

These three people are my world, and I vow to force them to squish together and pretend they're happy to have their photos taken until I breathe my last breath ... or until they successfully hide my camera ... or I lose the ability to run back and forth between the camera and the group.

Here's our latest creation, accomplished in record time and only 9 tries:

These three people are my world, and I vow to force them to squish together and pretend they're happy to have their photos taken until I breathe my last breath ... or until they successfully hide my camera ... or I lose the ability to run back and forth between the camera and the group.
Suddenly, God's angel stood among them
and God's glory blazed around them.
They were terrified.
The angel said,
"Don't be afraid.
I'm here to announce a great and joyful event
that is meant for everybody, worldwide:
A Savior has just been born in David's town,
a Savior who is Messiah and Master.
This is what you're to look for:
a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger."
Luke 2:9-12 MESSAGE