Sunday, August 22, 2010

How did they go from this ...

... to this ...

... faster than I could catch my breath?

One minute the Oldest was starting fourth grade and the Youngest began Kindergarten. Three days ago we drove the Youngest to college. Literally three weeks passed between those two milestones. Well, maybe a tiny bit more than three weeks, but not nearly long enough!

My heart goes out to all Mamas struggling to celebrate exciting new beginnings while flooded with sadness over having to turn loose of little hands. No matter how old our children are, no matter how wrinkled we may be, I still believe God speaks these words as a salve to each of our hearts:
He tends His flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them close to His heart;
He gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11


  1. i looooove these two pictures. one question: are the clothespins on your mailbox the same or have you had to retire the old ones for new ones?

    i still remember the drive to kansas when i left home for friends. i'm sure maggie made it much easier for you than i did for my mom. sometimes i wish i could reach my hand back in time about 10 to 15 years and slap myself repeatedly! :)

  2. Our current clothespins actually look newer than the ones from long ago. Hmmmm.

    And as far as making it tough on your mom when you left for college -- if you were acting snotty in any way (which is almost certainly what *I* was doing when it was my turn to leave), then it probably made it easier for your mom. Sort of "good riddance" thing, see? ;-)

    Plus now your mom sees you EVERY DAY, so any pain you caused way back then has been completely forgiven and forgotten. She is living my dream for 10 years from now!
