Friday, May 22, 2009

My how little Miss Leah has grown in 9 months!

She is one of the happiest and most expressive babies I've ever seen:

That happiness surely comes from the sense of security she's been wrapped in from day one. Just look at Leah with her mommy and daddy:

I'll warn you ahead of time -- these next two shots make me cry every time I see them, and I've looked at them enough times to go through a box of Kleenex! It's something about the love flowing so freely and visibly between Leah, Gina and Jared. What a rare and priceless gift!

It's fun to see the games and inside jokes that families develop, even when their little ones are still babies. The "fierce face" game always makes this family crack up...

...and Leah's face says it all: "Higher, Daddy, higher!"

(sigh) Does a heart good, don't it? Thanks, guys. Any day taking pictures of you is a most blessed day for me!
I want you woven into a tapestry of love,
in touch with everything there is to know of God.
Then you will have minds confident and at rest,
focused on Christ, God's great mystery.
All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge
are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else.
And we've been shown the mystery!
Colossians 2:2-3 MESSAGE


  1. Such amazing eyes on that little one! WOW! Great pictures!

    Where is that field if you don't mind me asking. I have a client in a few weeks who want to do some field pictures and I haven't gone scouting yet.

  2. Those eyes are even more amazing in person! That field is no more, at least not the crops. :-( I was just out there yesterday and they'd been cut. These pics were done 3 weeks ago...

  3. I absolutely LOVE that top black and white photo combo. They are my two all-time favorite photos of her. It's crazy to see how much she's changed in just 9 months!
