Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This ...

... is why I'm going to China in two days. (By the way, wouldn't that have made a fantastic passport photo? I don't know why it didn't make the cut.)

Diane is my gutsy, nutty, one-of-a-kind friend who packed up her two girls and headed to Beijing last summer to teach kindergarten at an international Christian school. She's the very same friend who got me started on this Wonderfully Made journey nearly 5 years ago after I borrowed a friend's digital camera and took these photos of her family:

"You're an artist!" she raved. "You have a gift that must be shared with others and used for God!" she insisted. "People will pay for your portraits!" she assured me. That's how Diane talks, and she made me dare to dream that this time she might actually know what she was talking about. So I took a deep breath and tiptoed in, and ever since then Diane and her girls have been some of my favorite portrait subjects.

We did these for Christmas cards a couple of years ago:

This Summer 2007 session captured the true personalities of Diane, Emily and Abigail:

And these were taken during their final weeks in Texas last year during a family good-bye session and an afternoon at school:

Diane gives me courage to try new things. Like start a photography business and travel to China with my own not-so-little girl. I don't look forward to the long flight or jet lag or aching tourist feet, but I cannot wait to see my friend. She's got a full schedule planned for us that includes the required sights (Great Wall, Forbidden City, multiple Beijing markets) as well as some opportunities to use my photography to encourage God's servants. So far my itinerary includes photos at an orphanage for blind children and Diane's school, family portraits for missionary families, and a photo session during a traditional orchestra rehearsal. I'll do my best to update the blog as often as possible so you can follow our adventures.
In all my prayers, I ask God to make it possible for me to visit you.
I want to see you and share with you the same blessings that God's Spirit has given me.
Then you will grow stronger in your faith.
What I am saying is that we can encourage each other by the faith that is ours.
Romans 1:10-12 CEV

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