Friday, October 16, 2009

I may not be all that eager to move into wedding photography, but I just LOVE doing bridal portraits!

Lovely Jill and I started with a few "formal" poses ...

... in a couple of different beautiful locations.

Then when Jill asked me to get a shot of her fabulous shoes, I discovered something even more spectacular:

Since Jill is a runner, she of course needed this tattoo representing the Greek god of running. I think it's pretty amazing, and it said a lot about the multi-faceted woman I was working with. Time to step it up a notch and try out a few new, less "formal" ideas:

By this point we were rapidly losing our last bits of sunlight. The streets were quiet, so we of course ventured out into the middle of Business 288. Since Jill's younger sister Amber had come along for the shoot, we insisted that she follow us out into oncoming traffic. Evidently word spread quickly that three crazy women were standing in the road because cars suddenly started coming from both directions. I'm happy to report that people seemed glad to swerve to avoid hitting our beautiful bride!

Lots of drivers enjoyed honking and waving at Jill as they cruised past. Fortunately she took it all in stride and smiled all the wider for my camera.

Lucky seventh grade math students in the Dallas area get to look at this face every school day. I wonder whether that helps or hinders their learning process...

I really like the images we were able to create together, Jill. Thanks for your patience and adventurous spirit. I hope you weren't too worn out to run the next morning's race with grace and perseverance. Blessings to you and Matt on your upcoming marriage, and may you learn and live with great love!

I run in the path of Your commands
for You have set my heart free.
Psalm 119:32

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