Monday, September 7, 2009

This is what supermodels look like when they're still little bitty.

Meredith and Luke's mom set up this portrait session to take advantage of a rare visit from their cousin Colton. The goal was to get some nice shots of the three kids together, but before they would agree to being corralled in one spot, we had to do a bit of exploring.

And then FINALLY!

Colton's dad showed the boys the proper form for throwing rocks. As if boys need to be taught how to throw rocks.

He turned out to be pretty good at piggyback rides as well.

Meredith and Luke's mom is especially good at soothing and snuggling.

I enjoyed seeing you with your kids, Christelle and Scott. Your time together may be limited right now, but you're clearly doing a great job of building relationships that will last forever.
A God-shaped life is a flourishing tree.
Proverbs 11:28 MESSAGE

1 comment:

  1. I have known Christell and Scott since I was probably Luke's age (Luke Lowry, that is!) She has grown up to be such a beautiful woman! I know they have a great Mommy!
