Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yesterday morning was a real treat! I spent a couple of hours with Danielle helping her figure out her new camera and showing her ways to make her photos even better. We went outside to find interesting things to photograph and found plenty, beginning with what we pretended was a creek:

We talked about the basic elements of a strong photo: composition, angle, light and lens. Would it be possible to create an interesting image out of just about anything, simply by walking around it to find the best angle? I like the shot on the left just fine, but I really like the one on the right. Chinaberries can be good for something after all!

Next we practiced on our semi-willing subject, Clowie. While Danielle waits for her little one to arrive in May, she has three furry babies to chase with her camera. Clowie was eager to be right beside Danielle but had absolutely no intention of looking at the camera. Pretty much like any normal kid.

I assured her that all of us moms have trouble getting our kids to cooperate when we try to create and capture The Perfect Shot.

With experience comes wisdom:
- shoot LOTS of photos, millions even
- chase and catch kids doing what they enjoy doing instead of trying to make them pose
- don't insist that they look at the camera and smile perfectly
- relax and enjoy the time together!
It's awfully nice of Clowie to train Danielle with such diligence, isn't it? If you'd like to set up your own private photography lesson, just drop me a line at or call 979-849-4536. Who knows -- maybe Clowie will agree to let you chase her with your camera!
Let my teaching fall like rain
and my words descend like dew,
like showers on new grass,
like abundant rain on tender plants.
Deuteronomy 32:2

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