Sunday, March 21, 2010

AHS Show Choir members really outdid themselves with last week's dinner theatre performance. Titled The Wildcat Awards, the production featured great songs from hit movies along with a madcap storyline and this cast of real characters:

Here's a look at all of those characters in action:

Mr. Stewart did a terrific job of pulling the songs together, writing the script, and coaxing strong performances from each cast member.

And the dinner portion of the dinner theatre could not have happened without these dedicated Choir Moms.

BIAS ALERT: A large percentage of the audience thought this particular actress stole the show. Of course, most of us were either related to her or otherwise already in love with her.

Actress Granny Jane even flew in all the way from LA for the performance. Way to go, Mag!

If you simply must see all 114 shots in the production gallery, fix yourself a nice cup of tea, click HERE, go to CLIENT PROOFING, type in wildcatawards as your password, and prepare to relive the fun. Can't wait for your final show in a couple of months, gang!

Oh, let me sing to God all my life long,
sing hymns to my God as long as I live!
Psalm 104:33 MESSAGE

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